Sunday 24 August 2014

Modified Presidential System for Nigeria

The National Conference settled for a home-made model of government that
effectively combines the above attributes of the Parliamentary and Presidential systems of government.

It code-named it: The Modified Presidential System.

Conference unanimously decided that a Modified Presidential System of

Government be adopted for the Federation, and that the core elements of the
Modified Presidential System of Government shall be as follows:

(i) There shall be a President for the Federation;

(ii) For the purpose of election to the office of President, the whole of the

Federation shall be regarded as one constituency;

(iii) A candidate for an election to the Office of President shall run with a

Vice-President on the same ticket;

(iv) There shall be a Vice President for the Federation;

(v) The President-Elect shall select a Vice-President from the Legislature;

(vi) The President shall exercise full responsibility for his Government and

he shall select not more than eighteen (18) Ministers from the six geopolitical

(vii) Subject to the provisions of (vi) above, the President may select, not

more than thirty (30%) per cent of his Ministers from outside the

(viii) The President shall be entitled to serve two terms of office of four

years each. The second term of a maximum of four years shall be
subject to re-election;

(ix) There shall be quarterly Question Time for the President and for

Ministers at the Legislature to enhance accountability and transparency;

(x) There shall be an annual State-of-the- Nation address by the President;


(xi) In the event of death, incapacitation, impeachment or resignation of the

President, the Vice-President shall act as President for a period of
ninety (90) days within which an election to the office of President
shall be held. Presentation of the annual budget to the Legislature will
be the responsibility of the Minister of Finance;

Election of the Governor of the State

Conference decided that these provisions as applicable to the President shall
apply mutatis mutandis with regard to the election of the Governor and the
government under his charge

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