Thursday 28 August 2014

4 Important Political Parties in Nigeria

1. The Ruling Elite Political Party - This is made up of the ruling class. They have been in power for the greater part of their lives, some up to 30 years. They will do anything possible to protect their interests and continue to milk the country. They own shares in all the political parties in the country.

2. The Opposition Political Party - This is made up of those who lose out of the political calculations in Nigeria. To remain relevant, they join the Opposition Political Party. To be heard they oppose everything the government in power is doing. They criticize the government irrespective of the fact that they did worse while they held similar position in time past. They never offer solution to any challenge.

3. The Residual Political Party - This is made up of those politicians trying to find their feet in the political arena. They only support the party that is ready to 'crease' their hands. They are in the side line waiting for substitution.

4. The Masses Political Party - This is made up of the ordinary masses of this great nation. They normally do not have a choice on who governs them although they hold the power to change the tides with their VOTES. Ignorance is their greatest undoing. Joining them are "tribalism" and "religious sentiment".

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