Monday 5 January 2015


21 Days Prayer and Fasting : 5th – 25th January, 2015


Day 1: Monday, January 5th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:
    Father, thank you for confirming the Exceeding Grace agenda 2014 to the fullest in the Winners’ family worldwide (1 Kgs. 8:15).
  • PRAYER 2:
    Father, let there be diverse overnight turnaround testimonies in my life throughout this year (Gen. 41:1-16).
  • PRAYER 3:
    Father, cause every Winner to experience the reality of heaven on earth this year as prophesied (Rev 21:1-4).

Day 2: Tuesday, January 6th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:
    Father, we thank you for your good word to us this year because we know none of them shall fail (Num. 23:19).
  • PRAYER 2:
    Father, by Heaven on Earth at work, bring to a permanent end all forms of struggles and hardships that have trailed the careers and businesses of members of the Winners’ family (Zephaniah 3:19).
  • PRAYER 3:
    Father, let there be Heaven on Earth order signs and wonders in all our churches worldwide leading to uncommon gathering of multitudes (Acts 5:12,14).

Day 3: Wednesday, January 7th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, we thank you for preservation and divine covering over the Winners’ family worldwide all through year 2014 (Zech. 2:5).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, turn me into a man of exploits after the order of Daniel, this year (Dan. 1:9; 2:46).
  • PRAYER 3:
    Father, make every winner an aggressive soul winner. Let the fresh zeal for personal evangelism come upon every member this year (Acts 8:4; 11:21).

Day 4: Thursday, January 8th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1: Father, thank you for changing our levels through constant revelation of your words in year 2014 (Gal. 2:2).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, let your unspeakable gifts bring out every member of this church into the open this year as it was the case of Daniel (Dan. 5:11-14).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, make 2015 a year of Heaven on Earth for our nation. Let there be tangible progress for this nation in every sector and level of governance (Ps. 144:13-15).

Day 6: Saturday, January 10th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, I thank you for answering all my prayers since the week began (Jn. 11:41).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, let this year be my year of supernatural advancement after the order of Moses (1Sam 12:6).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, give unto us wisdom for effective follow-up of new converts and first timers in all our assemblies worldwide (Acts 16:4-5).


Day 8: Monday, January 12th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:
    Father, we thank you for divine protection over our lives, families, properties and other endeavours in 2015, making the plans of the enemies of none effect to us (Ps. 105:13-15).
  • PRAYER 2:
    Give every member of the Winners’ family marital breakthroughs that will silence all mockers in this New Year (Prov. 18:22; Ps. 68:6).
  • PRAYER 3:
    Father, let there be greater replication in our WSF leading to greater establishment of new converts and first timers (Acts 2:46,47).

Day 9: Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, we thank you for your ear that is always open to our intercessions and supplications granting us the desires of our hearts (Ps. 65:2).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, let there be waves of strange healings, deliverances, preservation of life etc, among the Winners’ family this year (Job 33:21-25; 10:12).
  • PRAYER3:Father, give your servant all round rest for absolute focus. Let there be no distraction whatsoever for him (1 Kgs.5:4).

Day 10: Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, we thank you for the helps you are making available for your servant this year (Ps. 89:19).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, let there be rain of financial fortune upon my life all through the year 2015 that will lead to massive transference of wealth for me as was the case of Israel (Ex. 3:21; 12:36).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, by the spirit of faith that is at work in this Commission, cause us to enjoy conquest over our enemies after the order of Esther this year (Est. 5:2; 7:1-10).

Day 11: Thursday, January 15th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, thank you for the unspeakable favour, unimaginable favour and out-of-this-world kind of favour that this year holds for everyone in the Winners’ family (2 Cor. 9:14,15).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, in this Heaven on Earth, terminate ever form of disgrace that I have hitherto suffered concerning my fruitfulness (1 Sam. 1:6,7,11-19).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, we decree the release of your angels to the highways and hedges, compelling the influx of multitudes into our assemblies worldwide and as they come, they shall be firmly established (Matt. 13:39).

Day 13: Saturday, January 17th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, I thank you for the assurance of divine protection over my life and that of my family all through the year 2014 (Ps. 103:4).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, cause me to experience unexplainable dominion in all areas of my life after the order of Israel this year (Ps. 44:1-3).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, establish a wall of fire roundabout all members of the Winners’ family against all forms of assault (Ezek. 34:25).


Day 15: Monday, January 19th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, thank you for your covering over lives, families, properties and businesses all through last year and for delivering us from the hands of the wicked ones (Ps. 116:8).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, destroy the yoke of barrenness in our midst and cause everyone expecting the fruit of the womb to bring forth speedily this year. SOS 4:2; Ps. 127:3
  • PRAYER 3:Father, for everyone that is set for marriage this year, grant such individual exceeding grace dimension of speed with honour, joy, peace, fruitfulness and fulfillment (Ps. 68:6).

Day 16: Tuesday, January 20th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, we thank you because you will make all the places round about your people a blessing and there shall be showers of blessings upon every winner this year (Ezek. 34:26).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, trouble every troubler of our nation and let their wicked deeds return on their heads and their children (2 Thess. 1:6).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, grant the leadership fresh oil of wisdom and new depth of revelation to match the demands of this year Heaven on Earth agenda (Judg. 6:14).

Day 17: Wednesday, January 21st, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:
  • Father, thank you for the explosive church growth recorded last year both spiritually and numerically (Acts. 3:6).
  • PRAYER 2:
  • Father, let this year be a year of supernatural enthronement for every Winner. (Rev. 5:10; Ps. 105:20-21).
  • PRAYER 3:
  • Father, we decree the establishment of all our foreign mission operations and greater open doors this year (Rev. 3:8).

Day 18: Thursday, January 22nd , 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, once again we lift up our hearts in appreciation for the glorious and precious gift of this New Year Heaven on Earth 2015(Lam. 3:23).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, empower the statutory bodies and leaders in our local assemblies with wisdom for healthy growth and establishment (Prov. 24:3).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, heal the economy of this nation and restore her lost glory (2 Chr. 7:14).

Day 20: Saturday, January 24th, 2015
  • PRAYER 1:Father, I thank you because all through this year I will be enjoying your ‘Heaven on Earth’ and ‘wonders without end’ order of blessings as prophesied (2 Cor. 9:14,15).
  • PRAYER 2:Father, by the spirit of faith that is at work in this Commission, cause me to enjoy conquest over my enemies after the order of Esther this year (Est. 5:2; 7:1-10).
  • PRAYER 3:Father, let supernatural blessings become the order of the day in my life all through this year (Deut. 28:1; 33:23).

culled from

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