Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Leader’s Beatitudes

1. THE SPIRIT OF RESILIENCE – the ability to see failure as temporary and a necessary step to success.

2. THE SPIRIT OF COURAGE – the ability to transform one’s fear into motivator for action and change

3. THE SPIRIT OF PATIENCE – a belief in the potential of change and the ability to wait for it.

4. THE SPIRIT OF COMPASSION – a sensitivity to the worth of others.

5. THE SPIRIT OF SELF-VALUE – a belief in one’s importance to the world.

6. THE SPIRIT OF SELF-CONFIDENCE – a trust in one’s inherent abilities

7. THE SPIRIT PERSEVERANCE – the ability never to give up or surrender to the context of a situation.

8. THE SPIRIT OF STRATEGIC THINKING – the ability to plan rather than panic.

9. THE SPIRIT OF TIME MANAGEMENT – the conscious application of time goals.

10. THE SPIRIT OF HIGH TOLERANCE FOR DIVERSITY – a belief in the beauty and strength of variety.

11. THE SPIRIT OF SELF-COMPETITION – the practice of never comparing oneself to others but only with what one has been or done before.

1 comment:

  1. The Spirit of Love is missing which is the greatest
